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Leveraging Live Chat to Maximize Lead Generation & Lead Response

In this episode of the Real Estate Growth Hackers Show, Randy Carroll joins me to share his expert knowledge about lead generation and the great features that Chime can offer to real estate professionals.

With where Randy is in his career now, he realizes that real estate and technology is something directly encoded in his family. So it’s only appropriate that he works for a real estate technology company. It’s pretty much a perfect combination.

Here is a rundown on everything we talked about today:

Chime’s Interesting Background

Chime is the only IDX CRM company that exclusively started as a mobile app. In the beginning days, they realized that agents spend more time on their phones, laptops or desktops. So having a feature rich CRM that agents can use on the go is super important. Then they built out the desktop experience thereafter. As a result, they were able to innovate a powerful mobile app that doesn’t compromise on the desktop.

From a technology company perspective, they value the forward looking perspective with their technology. They consistently innovate and iterate the software, making sure to roll out updates a month, sometimes twice a month.

Chime’s Unique Area in the Market

Within the industry, Chime is an IDX CRM solution or commonly referred to as all in one solution. They offer lead generation, but their company’s stance is that they are lead agnostic because they don’t care where the leads are coming from and a surprising percentage of their clients don’t participate in online lead generation.

Chime’s value proposition is to help real estate professionals convert leads from any shape, form or fashion.

An AI Powered Chatbot

One thing that set Chime’s apart is that they have taken the brains of their operation to a whole new level. To expand on that, they are the only company in the entire real estate industry, who is using Google’s machine learning algorithm which is the next level of artificial intelligence.

An example of machine learning is like a two year old toddler that gets burned the first time and learns that it was not good. Two weeks later, when that two year old walks up to the stove and sees that it’s turned on again, they will do something different, maybe turn it off. But ultimately, they don’t get burned a second time around, it already has that technological ability to get better over time.

Other topics we covered on the show:

  • Why is live chat a powerful tool to use in the real estate industry? [00:17:00]
  • Statistics for capture rate and response rate. [00:20:23]
  • Ways on how to systematically start using live chat in their real estate business. [00:26:21]
  • How can agents proactively send a message and some of the signals that they should look for to determine when to send a message? [00:31:30]
  • Things to look for in terms of making sure that messaging is not done too much. [00:47:39]
  • How can real estate agents do live chat consistently and implement it correctly to gain all the benefits it can offer? [00:53:40]

Ready to Get Started with Randy Caroll or Still Have Some Questions?

Go to and book a schedule on Randy’s calendar.

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Zach Hammer

Zach Hammer is the co-founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers. Over the last 36 months Zach and his team have managed ad budgets well over $100,000, generated over 25,000 real estate leads, and helped create over $50,000,0000 in business revenue for their clients. Zach is also a highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted some of the top Real Estate teams and brokerages across the country.

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Zach Hammer

Zach Hammer is the co-founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers. Over the last 36 months Zach and his team have managed ad budgets well over $100,000, generated over 25,000 real estate leads, and helped create over $50,000,0000 in business revenue for their clients. Zach is also a highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted some of the top Real Estate teams and brokerages across the country.

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