Leveraging Questions for Business Growth
I am your host, Zach Hammer—Founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers. Welcome to The Real Estate Growth Hackers Show Episode 028 – Leveraging Questions for Business Growth.
Today’s special guest is Brian Ouellete, the founder of a brand new SaaS company called Ask My Advisor.
In this episode, Brian dives into detail about what the Ask My Advisor Method is and how this method helps in growing your business.
Here is a rundown on everything we talked about today:
How Ask My Advisor Started?
Leveraging Brian’s 10 years of experience in finance, Pro Athlete Direct™ provided athletes with the resources and knowledge they need to make smart financial decisions now and in the future.
Brian coached his private members who were trusted advisors based in the US to as far as Zurich, Switzerland. Member backgrounds ranged from former pro athletes from all major sports (including Super Bowl winners, MLB All-Stars, and Olympic medalists) turned advisors, national team captains, DI champions, Barron’s Top 100 advisors, Forbes Top Wealth Advisors, top producing realtors to sharp advisors & agents earlier in their careers & everyone in between.
After extensive R&D from +20,000 hours of coaching of pro-athlete advisors, the AskMyAdvisor referral app was born.
The software app provides trusted advisors (financial advisors, attorneys, realtors) the simplest way for their top clients to connect the advisors with the people in their lives, making recurring referrals easy and effortless.
Ask My Advisor Method
Between, family, friends, and social media, the average person is connected to+600 people. This means 10 clients have a reach of +6,000 people (who most closely resembles these clients? These people).
With this the given, how do you systematically tap into this endless access, while strengthening your client relationships?
This is driven by the Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule
- Identify your top 10 to 25 clients.
- Enter the 10 to 25 names on a spreadsheet.
- Send and email those people using a template from the Ask My Advisor blueprint.
- Grab a pen, paper, and #10 envelope. Then write to your list following a template from the Ask My Advisor blueprint.
- Get back to your replies immediately to build rapport and add new clients, and referrals.
The BONUS step is seen on the blueprint itself. Go to RealEstateGrowthHackers.com/referralmagnetblueprint
Other topics we covered on the show:
- What is the gray area in business? [10:33.79]
- The idea of giving permission for your clients to easily reach out to you. [11:13.61]
- 6 steps of giving permission. [17:37.53]
- A little overview about their new book that’s coming out—REFERRAL SECRETS OF THE ELITE TRUSTED ADVISOR [23:19.39]
- Some opportunities at the founder level with AskMyAdvisor. [1:01:17.89]
Do You Want to Stay Connected with Brian Ouellete?
Please check out their social profiles below.
- Website: https://askmyadvisor.co/
- LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sbrianouellette/
We Have Resources for You!
Also, Brian mentioned these items on the show. You can find that/them on:
Referral Secrets of the Elite Trusted Advisor by Brian Ouellete
Real Estate Growth Hackers Founder

Zach Hammer
Zach Hammer is the co-founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers. Over the last 36 months Zach and his team have managed ad budgets well over $100,000, generated over 25,000 real estate leads, and helped create over $50,000,0000 in business revenue for their clients. Zach is also a highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted some of the top Real Estate teams and brokerages across the country.