The Vault Revealed: AI-Powered Strategies for Unprecedented Real Estate Growth
Welcome to another exciting episode of Real Estate Growth Hackers Show! In this episode, we have a game-changing solution that will revolutionize your real estate business. Join us as we dive into “The Vault,” an AI-powered solution designed to unlock the secrets to real estate success. Get ready to discover cutting-edge strategies and techniques that will boost your profits and take your business to the next level.
“The Vault” is a free tool recently released by Real Estate Growth Hackers that gives you access to a wealth of AI-driven prompts and templates. Unlike other AI tools in the market, “The Vault” is specifically tailored to the real estate industry, providing you with battle-tested and proven strategies to amplify your results.
One of the standout features of “The Vault” is the Mega Prompt Framework. This framework guides you in creating well-structured prompts that yield consistent and repeatable results. It includes elements such as persona, goal, steps, tasks, context, and constraints, ensuring that your prompts are effective and targeted.
Another powerful tool in “The Vault” is the Prompt Engineer GPT. This AI-driven prompt generator allows you to input your desired process and receive a mega prompt template tailored to your needs. It streamlines the prompt creation process, saving you time and effort in developing effective prompts.
But that’s not all – “The Vault” also includes the SOP Prompt, which helps you create Standard Operating Procedures for your real estate business. With this tool, you can transform your training videos into well-structured SOP documents, making it easier to train your team and ensure consistent processes.
The lead generation protocols in “The Vault” are another valuable resource. These protocols provide step-by-step instructions for marketing listings on platforms like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. By following these protocols, you can generate high-quality leads for your real estate business without spending a dime on advertising.
“The Vault” is a game-changer for real estate professionals looking to leverage AI in their business. With its curated collection of prompts and templates, you can streamline your processes, generate more leads, and maximize your marketing efforts. Don’t miss out on this incredible resource – visit RealEstateGrowthHackers.com/TheVault to gain access today.
Ready to take your real estate business to the next level with AI? Listen to the latest episode of Real Estate Growth Hackers to learn more about “The Vault” and how it can transform your business. Don’t miss out on this opportunity – tune in now!
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If you want to know more about Zach Hammer and Charlie Madison, you may reach out to them at:
- Website: https://realestategrowthhackers.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zachhammer/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charliemadison/
[00:00:40] Zach Hammer: Welcome back to Real Estate Growth Hackers. On today’s episode, we’re gonna be talking about The Vault. [00:01:00] The vault that we just recently released, that gives you access to a curated collection of some of my favorite and most impactful prompts that I’ve released publicly for the real estate industry to help you get a jumpstart on quickly implementing AI in your real estate business.
[00:01:17] So that’s what we’re talking about today. Today we’re gonna do it a little bit differently than normal. I do have my esteemed co-host, Charlie Madison here with me, Charlie Madison from Referrals While You Sleep And Realtor Waiting List. Feel free to check about if you are curious about how you should be generating a flood of compliant clients, whether you are a lender or a real estate professional.
[00:01:38] And check them out. RealEstateGrowthHackers.com/RWYS to check him out. But I’m gonna give the reins over to Charlie. And Charlie is actually gonna lead us through this. The context here is that we just released access to a new free tool that you guys can get access to actually right now by going to RealEstateGrowthHackers.com/TheVault, if you wanna check it [00:02:00] out.
[00:02:00] Charlie’s gonna walk us through this, ask me questions about this and yeah, hopefully it’ll be a good conversation.
[00:02:05] Charlie Madison: Awesome. I’m really excited about this. I got the text in the last week, hey, the vault is open. And so personally, I don’t know whether Zach created this vault so that he could use it and finally give it to folks or, ’cause he was tired of me asking him to which prompt did you use for this? Which prompt did you do for that? Either way it was like, it’s Christmas and so I am really excited and I just want to jump in the deep end from your perspective, there’s tons of AI tools and prompts and books and out there.
[00:02:45] What is it that sets the vault apart in the real estate sector for you?
[00:02:50] Zach Hammer: Yeah. So, most of what I’ve seen in terms of templates has been, so if you look at a, I don’t know what to call it. [00:03:00] You know, on the left-hand side, something tilted toward based on experience, expertise, and like real world stuff versus generated by AI based on generic information and maybe a modicum of understanding about the real estate industry, I found that in general, most of the stuff that’s coming out about AI whether it’s real estate or not, tends to be more toward general vague, not really based on what’s actually working or any level of expertise or understanding in the real estate industry, right?
[00:03:38] And so what’s different about the vault is that the vault is much more tilted toward the real estate industry, real world experience, actually running ads, seeing how those ads perform, actually building out processes in a real estate business for real estate professionals directly, regardless of AI.
[00:03:58] We’re using [00:04:00] AI to amplify those results, we’re using AI to make what we’re doing better, and so all of the templates are centered more in real world experience and real world expertise, rather than, Hey, we got a shiny new tool, let me ask it to generate a thousand of ideas that may or may not actually be any good. Right?
[00:04:19] So this is really a curated list and like part of how you could tell that is that I don’t say, you know, we got a thousand plus things in here because that, like, that’s what everybody else is saying, right? Everybody else is saying like, oh, get access to this library of over a thousand things. It’s like, no, I think I got like, what, seven?
[00:04:38] Charlie Madison: Not a whole lot.
[00:04:40] Zach Hammer: Yeah, like nine, nine, maybe nine prompts in there, plus some slides and stuff. It’s not like this massive library of things, but everything that’s in there is battle tested and proven in the real world. And that’s really what makes it different, I think.
[00:04:55] Charlie Madison: Yeah, that makes sense to me. I know just last week we were walking and [00:05:00] you were showing me how to do some stuff with ChatGPT and AI and you just told me like, oh, click the edit button and change what you’re doing. And like, I mean, I use AI probably more than most people and I had no clue that existed.
[00:05:16] And over the last week, like your actual experience, like it’s changed my whole ChatGPT. I used to be so frustrated that like , it would break and just that one little thing. So, yours actually works. I agree.
[00:05:31] Zach Hammer: And that, actually, that concept is one of my power GPT principles. That you stop it when it’s going wrong and you edit it in order to reiterate on it. So now that you mentioned it, I don’t actually have that documented here.
[00:05:42] So I need to get that one into the vault as well. I’ll get that updated and added in.
[00:05:46] Charlie Madison: Nice. I love that. What is your favorite prompt in here?
[00:05:50] Zach Hammer: Ooh, that is a good question. So my favorite prompt, actually it isn’t a prompt, it’s three of the templates [00:06:00] that are in there ’cause they all are about the same concept. But there are different ways of tackling it and it’s all around actually prompt engineering and development. So all around building your own prompts.
[00:06:11] So, in there I’ve got the mega prompt framework and the mega prompt framework is all about just showing you what do you want to have inside of a prompt in order to get good, consistent, repeatable results. Right?
[00:06:23] So, we’ve talked about this on previous episodes, but it’s all documented in there and laid out. And then with that as the foundation, I have two other prompts that sort of build on that. One of which is Prompt Engineer GPT.
[00:06:36] And what you use that one for is, you know, in your mind that you have some sort of process that you wanna build a prompt for. And so you go in, you leverage the Prompt engineer GPT, and you go in and you start it up and you just start answering questions, and then from those questions, it’ll give you back a mega prompt template that you could then take and reuse, right? So it has all of the structured [00:07:00] stuff of it comes back with the persona and the goal and the steps and the tasks and the context and constraints.
[00:07:07] It comes back with all of that for you so that you don’t have to fill in the blank, which honestly can be hard sometimes. And you could just word vomit and say, this is what I want it to do, this is how I want to think through this. This is what I’m looking to accomplish.
[00:07:20] And it’ll actually guide you through all the context that it needs in order to help you build an amazing prompt on your behalf. And it makes that process really easy. So that one’s really powerful. But you know what’s even better than that?
[00:07:32] Charlie Madison: Tell me what’s better than that.
[00:07:34] Zach Hammer: Not having to think about the prompt if you don’t need to.
[00:07:38] And so, the second prompt, the second one in kind of this dual set is how you turn a successful thread into a new prompt. And so that one takes a little bit of a different approach where a prompt engineer, the whole idea is, you know what you want it to do and you’re working with it to build it, right?
[00:07:54] Sometimes that’s the frame of mind that you’re in, and it’s useful to have a tool for that. But other times you already [00:08:00] started down a really long chain with ChatGPT and you said you know, I want you to write me a text message to a friend based on this concept. And then it comes back and it’s wrong.
[00:08:10] And so you’re like, nah, a little bit more like this, or, I like that part, but not this and, okay, no, keep this but make it a little bit different. Blah, blah, blah. Okay, cool. Now we got it perfect. Right? So you go through your, kind of your typical ChatGPT process and now you got it perfect.
[00:08:24] Well, wouldn’t it be cool if the next time, like say that’s a process that you plan to need to do in the future, right? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could take that process that you just went through and turn it into a mega prompt so that next time all you have to do is fill out the friend and maybe what you wanna say, and then it comes back to you with a 90 to ninety-nine percent of the way there, you know, message that’s good to go.
[00:08:45] Well, that’s what turned a successful thread into a new prompt. What that prompt is there for. So, after you’ve gone through a process and you’ve got ChatGPT to get you back exactly what you want, you throw this prompt In the middle of a thread that already exists. And it’ll come back to you with a [00:09:00] well-structured prompt for you to take that process and repeat it in the future.
[00:09:03] So essentially you can, you know, whether you know the idea and you want it to create it for you, or whether you kind of lucked into a process serendipitously through just chatting with ChatGPT, you could take either of those and turn them into a prompt that you can reuse in the future based on all of my research around, how to do prompt engineering well and how to structure a prompt effectively,
[00:09:26] Charlie Madison: I love that. And one of the things that I love about your prompts is that your prompts are, I’ll use the word meaty. It’s got a lot to it, and I, I’ve gotten those things, you know, 1,500 prompts to do whatever, and I actually found one today, and it’s just a thousand lines in Excel of like, I don’t know it tweets basically, it’s short tweets before tweets could be expanded.
[00:09:53] And you know, one of my mentors, Joe, that’s dive deeply into this. He said you wanna make [00:10:00] the prompt as meaty as possible. You know, you wanna put as much in there because when you give it context, it uses your context. If you don’t, it just guesses. And what I love and what I got from that is your mega prompt framework takes everything.
[00:10:19] And I’m looking at it here, it’s like, what persona do you want? What’s the task? What’s the steps to complete the task? We’ve talked about that in the past. How if you give it step-by-step things, it’ll accomplish ’em better. What’s the context or constraints? What’s the goal? What’s the format output? What’s the tone style? Are there any user fields that are needed?
[00:10:40] So I see that and I’m just like, I’m strategically lazy. I don’t want to think through all those things. And, but then with the prompt engineer, I can actually say, I want to do something and ask me questions to create this mega prompt for me.
[00:10:59] [00:11:00] And it actually walks me through step by step. What style do you want? Who do you want to act? Like, what are the steps? And you know, if it asked me what the steps, I’d say, what is your best guess? And it would give me something and I’d probably say, yep, that’s right. Or I’d say, yeah, but change this. And so it makes it as simple as talking to the computer and the old Matthew Broderick movie war games, right?
[00:11:25] Like, do you wanna play a game? That’s what it is and then if you’ve got prompts that you’ve created over the last 3, 6, 12 months, you take your turn a successful thread into a prompt and it’ll create the mega prompt for you. So what’s cool is you’re not giving these little tweets of prompts you’re actually giving.
[00:11:46] I mean, this is the construction company, this is the builder. So you can take what you’re already doing and have your own personal library and know how to do that. Did I explain that well? Is that what I heard?
[00:11:58] Zach Hammer: Yep. You’re exactly right. [00:12:00] And further maybe you found like maybe you’re, maybe you followed by recommendations and you’ve started building your own prompt library, right? Like you found these things where it’s like, I use this repeatedly and so I’ve got this documented and all of that.
[00:12:12] Well, if you haven’t been building them with the mega prompt framework, you could take your current prompt. Throw it into prompt engineer GPT and likely get an even better prompt back that’s structured in the right way to maximize the effectiveness over time.
[00:12:27] And so, yeah, like if you’ve already got prompts that have been working, you could throw it into that thread or you could copy and paste a prompt that you’ve been using it and get it more fleshed out, more detailed that you could really zero in on some of those specifics so that you get that consistent, repeatable result.
[00:12:42] Charlie Madison: That is amazing.
[00:12:43] Zach Hammer: Absolutely.
[00:12:44] Charlie Madison: And you know, I think my other favorite one, it’s the SOP prompt. Tell about that one.
[00:12:50] Zach Hammer: Yeah, so, I’ve done a lot of research, so what an SOP is for anybody who doesn’t know is a standard operating procedure. It’s essentially the whole idea is that if you [00:13:00] really wanna build your business successfully, you wanna build it on the back of processes rather than on the back of just somebody’s intuition. Right?
[00:13:07] Because whenever possible you want your business to pass the hit by a bus test, right? Is there anybody in your business that if they’re hit by a bus, that like they would take with them the secrets of how your business works? If your business doesn’t pass that test, you’re in a danger zone. Right?
[00:13:25] Charlie Madison: I totally misunderstood that this whole time. I thought that just meant, is there anyone today that’s working with me that I want to be hit by a bus? Now it makes more sense.
[00:13:42] Zach Hammer: That’s Machiavelli’s bus test. But anyway, so the idea behind the standard operating procedure is that you have the systems in your business documented to a point that you could essentially hand that documentation over to somebody brand new and they could take it and run with it, right?
[00:13:59] [00:14:00] They could take it and implement it. And so the SOP generator, like here’s the reality. I have learned a lot about what makes for a good SOP. Just like the mega prompt, there’s a lot more fields than most people want to fill out, right? There’s a lot more steps to this and like, honestly, I use this thing so much.
[00:14:16] I don’t even remember all of the things that I throw at here. Let me go ahead and pull it up to remember some of these. But like things that we want obviously a clear title. We wanna know the date it was last updated., We wanna know the purpose. Why do we wanna know the purpose?
[00:14:28] Well, we wanna be able to have a bigger picture of where does this process fit in kind of the overall goal of the business, right? So you’re trying to give somebody context around what the purpose is. Definitions, we want to define any terms that might lean more toward jargon, that might lean more towards something that people would be unfamiliar with.
[00:14:45] You want to get ’em to the same foundational context coming into this process as they’ll need to have success. Prerequisites you wanna list out very clearly, you need these things before you start this process in order to have success, right? [00:15:00] It’s like when you’re following a recipe , it’s the mise en place is the process here.
[00:15:03] It’s getting all of the elements from your recipe in place at the right size so that when it’s time to actually go and execute on the dish. You just have the ingredients ready, right? That’s what the prerequisites are about. You know, time estimate, you want people to be able to expect, this is approximately how long this should take you to run through.
[00:15:21] When you’re doing this process you want to have expected outcomes. So what will a successful result look like? You want to have an overview video. This doesn’t create the video for you. I’ll tell you about that in a second. And then you wanna have a detailed process. And the process is, you know, broken up into phases if needed, step-by-step, etc., so that they go through and have a clear written example.
[00:15:42] Now, why does having a document actually matter. Well, having a document matters because you might be used to just recording a loom video, or you might be used to just recording a video and you wanna know why? ’cause it’s easy and it’s easy for you, which is good, it’s good to have something. Having it documented in that way is [00:16:00] better than nothing.
[00:16:00] So you know, if you are documenting your processes with videos, like, fantastic cheers, that is a good thing. Here’s why you want the written though, it is drastically harder to reference a video while you are doing the task than it is to follow written instructions, right?
[00:16:15] So you want a video that explains it and gives everybody the overview, but then you want that step-by-step in order, you know that step-by-step written process so that when they actually need to implement it, they could do so quickly by referencing the written version that’s quick to scan, easy to reference, and easy to implement off of.
[00:16:31] So they watch the video, then they do the written. Okay, but you know how often I took the time to create the written process from the video?
[00:16:41] Charlie Madison: Probably about as often as I did, maybe plus
[00:16:45] Zach Hammer: Basically zero, right? And further even like people on my team, right? Like, so I have people that I’ve trained on how to do this process that they could go through and create the step by step. And that could work and that can help. But [00:17:00] taking a video and turning it into a well-structured SOP document like this it’s a lot of work.
[00:17:05] Like, it is a lot of work to go through and do that, if you are a person going through and doing this process. So like, it’s worthwhile, it’s valuable work, but it takes a while. You know who, it doesn’t take a while for? AI when you feed it a transcript and tell it to take that transcript and turn it into this style of a structured document.
[00:17:22] And so that’s what we did, right? So we set up this mega prompt to make it so that all those videos that you are already creating to show a process, explain what somebody like needs to do, it, could take those videos and turn it into this. Now typically, to get the best results off of this you’re gonna want to use GPT-4 in OpenAI.
[00:17:41] So you’re gonna need the paid level in order to get access to that of ChatGPT or access it via the API. I’m guessing most people will probably use ChatGPT or you’re gonna need to use Claude. I have found it’s best to avoid long videos. So typically, your best SOP length [00:18:00] videos are 15 minutes or less.
[00:18:01] If you’re having to take longer than 15 minutes to explain something, then what you probably need to do is break it up into multiple SOPs, multiple processes and further that also helps in terms of the transcription, right? So there’s two reasons for that. One, if I’m sitting down and I’m trying to learn a process, if you’re talking more than 15 minutes about it, I’m probably not gonna learn it very well.
[00:18:22] So it helps for the person that you’re actually trying to train, but two, it also helps for the length of your transcript and making AI more likely to help you as well. So yeah, essentially what this does is it makes it that instead of having to go through and write out all this stuff that I just said, you record your video showing a process, explaining, you know, you’re gonna go here’s the basic reason why.
[00:18:41] Here’s what you’re looking to accomplish, here’s the steps to complete it, and like, what a successful outcome looks like. You take a transcript for that video, you tie it together with the SOP generator mega prompt, and then the output is an SOP document that is 80 to 90% of the way there. You might need to change a handful of things.
[00:18:59] It [00:19:00] might get a couple of things a little bit wrong, but it’s gonna be 80 to 90% of the way there with just a little bit of modification, it’s good to go. And so now you have video plus written, so your team is gonna be better equipped. Your processes are drastically more repeatable, and we took a process that would’ve taken even a V.A. Legitimately two to three hours even off of a 15 minute video to create the SOP documentation. We’re gonna take that process and we’re gonna take it down to probably about 30 minutes for them,
[00:19:29] Charlie Madison: And it’s going to be in the method you want
[00:19:32] And it’s being gonna be done correctly. And now they’re just editing it, which is amazing. So, you know, we’re both big fans of Mike Michalowicz and he talks about this in his book, Clockwork. And I read Clockwork and personally I actually created like two and a half SOP’s and I was like, alright, I need to just video this and I’ll hand it to my VA and I’ve got my VA doing a bunch of different stuff.
[00:19:57] And so how many SOP’s did they end [00:20:00] up? I mean, they didn’t create many. But with this, I love this, ’cause now I can say, take this video, run this, follow along on this and that way that just as they run through it, they can update it, you know? And so I love that cause three hours for every SOP, especially when you’re getting started, you know, or in real estate, I mean, with AI our technology’s changing.
[00:20:24] Like, I mean, probably the SOP’s are going to be updated fairly regularly. And so now I can shoot a video and have it updated, which is pretty cool.
[00:20:34] Zach Hammer: Absolutely.
[00:20:35] Charlie Madison: This one’s probably my favorite. Because it creates, has the ability to create so much consistency and service with such little bit of time, which is just the magic mark, right?
[00:20:50] Zach Hammer: Indeed. Yeah. It’s powerful. Like this, I dunno, correct me if I’m wrong, but in terms of what I’ve put into here with [00:21:00] the prompt engineer GPT and the SOP generator as well as like the presentation that’s in here and some of the lead generation stuff that I threw in here, like I didn’t hold back in terms of the power of what’s in here. This is literally the foundational information in here is stuff that I have sold for thousands of dollars across courses and memberships and things in terms of the education and the value that’s put behind here.
[00:21:24] So it’s not, this isn’t just like AI generated 10 point checklist. This is a powerful tool designed to really kickstart and get you success for sure.
[00:21:34] Charlie Madison: Yeah, I love it. You’ve got in here, you know how to market listings on Facebook marketplace, how to promote a single property on Facebook and what’s good about it is, you know AI really well, you’re one of the smartest people that I know when it comes to actual effective marketing and direct response marketing and relationship marketing.
[00:21:58] Like, that’s really [00:22:00] cool. And so you take all of that and put that into how to create a really good Facebook post, for example. And of course, you know, other people can learn this. But now, you know, if I’m a team leader, you know, my admin can now like crank out. I mean, you could do a lot of these really quickly.
[00:22:22] You know, a 30 minute time block, you could create a bunch of them.
[00:22:26] Zach Hammer: Yep. And all of those lead protocols? I think every one in that section, they’re all related, in terms of why they’re there. And actually they’re kind of in reverse order in a way. But if you go back and you reference in the presentation that’s uploaded, so the slides that are in there, there’s a section where I dive into the thousand leads from every listing process and all of that centers around the idea of a single property pro bow, right?
[00:22:52] So you’ve got a listing that is available for sale and you’re leveraging that listing in order to go out and find a list of [00:23:00] buyers that will also include some level of sellers, right? And it’s the strategy for how to do that at scale and how AI makes it so that you could do it drastically quicker, drastically more effectively and how you could have a lot less time expended in order to maximize your return on every listing.
[00:23:15] But what’s cool is part of what I included in there is also it’s down toward the bottom. It says, protocol to secure a marketable listing. I also include a process for if you don’t have listings, how can you get a listing that you could promote in order to be able to run the rest of this process?
[00:23:31] So even if you don’t have your own listings, you could run this process. Be able to do it at scale you know, on the back of another listing and the documentation in there in terms of what you’re looking for, what kinds of listings, how you actually get somebody to, you know, be ready, willing and want to give you a listing to be able to market and all of that, like, everything is included in that process and it’s in the presentation for how you actually run it.
[00:23:56] But those protocols are essentially the documentation for, it’s like, okay, now [00:24:00] I’m ready to promote this thing on Craigslist. How do I do that? And it includes AI prompts in order to rewrite all the property information into the correct format to maximize lead generation from Craigslist.
[00:24:11] And then same thing, how do I take this listing and market it correctly on Facebook marketplace? And same thing, how do I take this listing and recreate it as a Facebook ad so that I can run that at scale? Right? So that’s the idea there.
[00:24:23] Charlie Madison: Yeah, and I mean, I’ve seen playbooks being sold with this stuff for a $100 a month or more, and it’s right here. And what I love about it is there’s no black box. It’s not hidden like the tools are here, which is really cool. And could you share a success story about these lead generation protocols and how you’ve used it?
[00:24:46] Zach Hammer: Yeah. So I mean, at a basic level, what I did is I took the same process that I was already running to generate leads for teams across the country. And I figured out how could we do this more successfully? So [00:25:00] for me, what I’ve always done is I’ve always ran the single property promo, right?
[00:25:05] Like that’s the portion that I’ve essentially done. But typically, I need listings in order to run that process. So, I’ve had to solve that problem of how can I get people to get listings for us to promote. And that’s where the protocol to secure a marketable listing comes from.
[00:25:19] So, I’ve built most of the process off of that, but I’ve also always wanted to have tools and processes for people to be able to generate leads for free. Right? So, the Facebook marketplace and Craigslist are both strategies that you could deploy without any ad spend and be able to generate leads completely for free.
[00:25:36] For those I’ve seen both of ’em. Like you may not generate hundreds of leads off of those, but you’re going to be able to control your ability to go out and get another 10 to 20 leads off of each thing. And those 10-20 leads will be optimized to like the listing that you have optimized to you know, the price point that you want to target if you go out and secure a listing that’s in a new [00:26:00] price point, for instance.
[00:26:01] And really it gives you control of being able to do that. I’ve had brand new students run those processes and just following along those ideas be able to go out and within a week, generate leads off of both of ’em, right? Like, they work, they just take the time.
[00:26:17] It used to take longer because you had to actually think about how to rewrite a description into the right format because you want to structure it in a specific way. You want to remove certain details, leave certain details. It’s not super complicated, but it does take time and it does take creative energy.
[00:26:34] But with these protocols, you’re now able to do it where you just input the listing description and the listing details, and it spits back out a correctly formatted Craigslist a or Facebook marketplace post to generate leads.
[00:26:46] So those two, the Craigslist and the Facebook marketplace, really for those, you could generate about as many leads as you want to, but they will take someone’s time.
[00:26:54] Charlie Madison: All right.
[00:26:55] Zach Hammer: The AI portion has reduced the time that’s necessary by making it easy to adapt [00:27:00] from one thing to make it easier to get ’em out there and scaled and all of that.
[00:27:04] The Facebook single property promo, that for me is the reason why it’s on here. It is literally the most successful style ad that I’ve been able to run consistently in any market, no matter what. Real estate is a really interesting industry in. People love to actually just look at the product, right?
[00:27:22] People like whether they’re in the market or not, they just love to look at it. So, that style of ad that’s in there is based on a lot of psychology around what gets people to interact and click and how Facebook’s algorithm works in order to make them want to show your stuff for cheaper.
[00:27:36] And so by far that style ad it itself is responsible for tens of thousands of leads generated. Just that thing alone and typically it depends on the property and it depends on how well it’s suited to the market. But on average, I expect to be able to generate leads from that style ad about 10 to 15 bucks a [00:28:00] pop.
[00:28:00] But I’ve had it go through where it’s less than a dollar a piece, right? Where you’ll run some ads and you’ll throw a $100, $200 on the ad to generate leads for, you know, generate hundreds of leads off of just that. Right. So it depends on the property and the numbers tend to balance out to be around 10 to 15 bucks per lead.
[00:28:20] But yeah, anyway, so in terms of like specific success stories really, every one of my clients that I’ve ran that process with, it just works, right? We’re just consistently able to generate the leads that they need.
[00:28:31] And so what I love about this is that when you run this process, the thousand leads from every listing, like not only is it giving you a flood of leads to throw into your system to start getting IDX traffic, start seeing what people are looking for and interested in, so you know, who’s hot and motivated and be able to have good conversations on that way.
[00:28:51] But the other aspect is that it gives you more things that you could point to show your clients all the great promotion that you’re doing as well. Like [00:29:00] literally the Facebook ad strategy can be responsible for easily an extra 10,000 to 20,000 eyeballs on that person’s property. And when you’re sitting back and saying, you know, Hey, maybe I need to get a price reduction and but I still want to make sure that I’ve shown I’m doing my part to market the listing, and that’s not the problem.
[00:29:20] Well, having the evidence of all the exposure that you’re getting through this kind of strategy, which helps you by itself, but having that sort of evidence can help on your side of being able to go strongly and say, look, we’re getting your property viewed, we are making sure that the market could see it. It’s not moving ’cause it’s not priced right. Let’s get that pricing in line so that we could get this fixed. Right?
[00:29:40] And you know, sometimes those conversations need to be had and having something that you could powerfully point to, to say, I’ve got strong evidence here that I’m doing what I need to, let’s adjust the price ’cause I think that’s what’s holding us back
[00:29:51] Charlie Madison: All right. Yeah. I love that. And what’s something like that you’ve personally learned by taking all your experience and kinda [00:30:00] crafting it into these prompts in real estate?
[00:30:03] Zach Hammer: So something that I’ve learned is where we are currently on this AI landscape that I think a lot of people are missing. Will this help you to drastically be able to increase your output? Yes. Will it do everything for you? No. Right, like there is still human effort required, there’s still some level of learning curve if you go into this and expect, I’m gonna do this, not have to learn anything, and it’s just gonna magically be perfect. You’re gonna lose and you’re not gonna get good results and it’s going to fail for you. Now you might get some level of results.
[00:30:41] But here’s why it’s going to fail? It’s gonna fail because there’s going to be somebody who is ready to take some amount of time to actually learn the process, to gain the expertise, and to learn what works and what doesn’t, and see this as a tool to increase their own intelligence, to amplify their intelligence, rather than seeing it [00:31:00] as a replacement for their intelligence. Right?
[00:31:03] And the person that sees it as the tool to amplify their intelligence, and they’re willing to learn in order to do that, they’re going to beat you. And they’re gonna consistently be showing up in your market, more and more of these people are gonna come along. And so if you look at this as an excuse to stop thinking and to stop being the expert, you are going to get beat by the person that uses this as the excuse to maximize their expertise and to really take it as far as they can as possible.
[00:31:29] And so, that’s the biggest thing that I learned in doing this is that the secret isn’t getting a thing to do things that I don’t understand. It’s in starting to develop an awareness of what makes this work, how does it work, how can I understand it so that I know how to use the tool effectively, knowing that if I learn this tool, if I learn these processes, if I learn this concept, then I can have the actual grunt work done for me by AI, but I am still needed as the expert that actually understands this stuff, that actually understands [00:32:00] how to get good results.
[00:32:01] And so far what I’m finding is that the people who are excited and see that potential get great results, the ones who are expecting, I’m going to leverage AI so I can exclusively be lazy.
[00:32:13] Charlie Madison: Yeah.
[00:32:14] Zach Hammer: Don’t get good results, right? Like, I want you to be strategically lazy. You should not be doing the things that AI can do for you. But don’t let that strategically lazy, turn into completely lazy, right? Like still own the parts of the process that you need to own.
[00:32:30] And really going through this process like, it’s given me clarity on where are humans still really needed and still really valuable. Right? Humans are still really necessary in the editing process. Humans are still really necessary in maybe not the full ideation, but in some level of the curation of the ideas or some level of the direction for the right ideation.
[00:32:52] And so getting like an intuitive feel of where are you necessary versus where is the AI going to do it better, more [00:33:00] repeatedly, whatever. Anyway, that’s where I’ve learned more and it’s hard to put it into words exactly where that is. But that’s the key to me.
[00:33:06] So like what these are is, these are structured to say, what can AI do really well? Let’s have it do it. But I’m still expecting that when you leverage these tools. You are going to have to make modifications. Don’t expect you’re gonna input a tool and what you’re gonna get back is something that you don’t have to think about.
[00:33:24] You should read it, you should think about it. It’s gonna take you drastically less time than it did before to create it from scratch. But you’re gonna have to think about it and you’re gonna have to learn a little bit about how these AI tools work in order to get the best results. But know that a handful of minutes invested in learning that, is going to equate to hours saved in the future
[00:33:46] Charlie Madison: Right.
[00:33:46] Zach Hammer: That you never would’ve been able to save without it, and it’s worth it.
[00:33:50] Charlie Madison: Yeah, over and over, hour saved.
[00:33:53] Zach Hammer: Indeed.
[00:33:54] Charlie Madison: I love that idea of being irresponsible, right? It’s not giving away [00:34:00] responsibility, but it’s using the tool to do. This is a chance to up our game, and up it consistently, and through, your team members, your front office, everyone can have their intelligence amplified.
[00:34:13] Zach Hammer: Right,
[00:34:14] Charlie Madison: And so you’ve got a Mastermind open because the next question is, how do you dive in deep? This now and this vault is completely free, they can go right now today to get it at RealEstateGrowthHackers.com/TheVault. And you should do that.
[00:34:29] It’s completely free and it is amazing. And if they want to dive deeper how do they get involved in with the strategically lazy and productive team owners and brokers?
[00:34:42] Zach Hammer: Yeah. So here’s the reality, and this is part of why this is available for free right now. I know that the answer to actually getting the most value out of what’s going on in this AI revolution that’s happening in the world, and we’re seeing it impact real estate.
[00:34:59] The [00:35:00] way that you’re going to get the most value out of this is by actually coming alongside other people and getting the help to put it into practice, ’cause I can’t convey everything that you need to understand on this show through my written guides.
[00:35:15] I can’t, the reality is that the systems start to become so in tuned with like how you think and how you need to understand them in your business, that you need things put a slightly different way to understand it. Right?
[00:35:30] Like shoot, here’s a really good example. You mentioned that edit button, right? Like you mentioned the edit button. The reality is we talked about that principle on another show probably near the beginning of us starting this process of talking about AI and it didn’t click until we were in a scenario trying to implement it and actually getting to see where and why that’s relevant. Right?
[00:35:52] And I can’t do that for everyone. Right? I don’t have the time to do that for absolutely everybody, and it’s not something that I can come alongside everyone and [00:36:00] do. And so that’s why we started the Mastermind. We started the mastermind for those that are excited to be able to put this stuff into practice in a real estate team where you have a group of people that you’re trying to equip to do this at scale, whether it’s the agents on your team or your back office staff or you personally.
[00:36:17] So we’re coming together and actually putting these things into practice, both in all sorts of different ways from marketing sales, lead generation, back office servicing, even systems to try and optimize your business overall. Right?
[00:36:30] And how you think about your business. Anywhere that we can see where it’s like these are consistent processes that are happening in our business. What can we do to use AI to make them better, more amplified at the highest level? That’s what we’re coming together to do.
[00:36:42] So we come together, we talk about these things, we discuss them, but we also put them into practice and build solutions together. So you get the benefit of having me actually come alongside, here are the things that you’re looking to build and we build them together. We are also coming together as real estate teams, high-level real [00:37:00] estate teams all across the country possibly all across the world at some point.
[00:37:03] I have had clients all across the world right now. I think everybody that’s involved in the Mastermind is in the States. But man, this applies to anywhere that has a similar market to the States, right? Canada, Australia. I know those markets especially would would make sense for this too.
[00:37:17] Anyway, and so we come together and so you get the benefit of not only hearing my perspective, but hearing the perspective o of other teams and what they’re solving and how they’re deploying AI and we all come together to make that happen.
[00:37:27] The whole goal is to make it, how can we make your learning curve as easy and as short as possible to get to that end result as quick as possible? Where you don’t have to go through nearly as much of the slogging through YouTube videos, the reading through guides, trying to understand them, that we apply them to your business and your use case as quickly as possible so that you have the benefits right away rather than having to go through the full learning curve to get to the benefit, right? It’s all about doing that process quicker and more effective together.
[00:37:59] [00:38:00] So yeah, if you’re interested in that, you could reach out to us at RealEstateGrowthHackers.com/Contact, let us know that you’re interested in the Mastermind and we’ll get you the details on how you can get involved.
[00:38:09] It is not something that we plan to let everybody into. So reach out to us and let us know if you’re interested. We’ll get you the details and we’ll be able to see if we’ll talk and to see if it’s a good fit. Long term, I think we’ll see how big it grows.
[00:38:20] Right now I am, I’m feeling like about 10 people, is about the right number. And that’s 10, you know, total groups. Total teams, right? It’s not not 10 people in total. So if you’ve got like a bigger organization, that’s part of why we’re keeping it to a smaller amounts that we could cover different departments and whatnot effectively.
[00:38:37] But, yeah, we’re not looking to have a massive amount. We’re looking to have a kind of a niche group of people who are motivated, passionate, and excited to implement these things. And as a result, when you get in, you become part of it. You get access to everything. Actually this publicly released vault is our public vault.
[00:38:53] But people who are part of the mastermind actually get access to what I call the Elite Vault. And the Elite Vault essentially has me [00:39:00] removing the filter. And all the filter is for the most part, is it’s, if I am building something and I think it might be somewhat valuable, I’m throwing it in there so that people are able to access it and leverage it, even if I haven’t, like, polished it for public presentation. Right?
[00:39:15] So it’s gonna be everything. It’s everything that I’m working on. Everything from AI image generation, video generation tools, lists prompts that I can’t share with the public. Things that for better or worse, I can’t share them with the public, so those kinds of things. Anyway, so like you get access to that, you get access to basically every resource that I have available in order to help make sure that you can successfully implement these strategies.
[00:39:38] So yeah, if that’s something that you’re interested in, RealEstateGrowthHackers.com/Contact, let us know that you’re interested in the AI Mastermind.
[00:39:47] Charlie Madison: That is amazing, you know, and now’s the time to do it. I’m really excited to see what’s in the elite now because it is going to be great, this is the time to do it.
[00:39:58] So thank you so [00:40:00] much for releasing the vault. I mean, this right here is amazing. If you’ve got any friends that have listened to this, that ask you AI questions, refer them to the vault, and this is the time to use it right here. So thank you so much.
[00:40:16] Zach Hammer: You got it. Thanks for coming on and helping me walk through what I put together in there. I find that having outside perspective is always useful for diving into it and explaining it and all of that. But but yeah, thanks so much for coming on.
[00:40:27] Thanks for listening. All you who are listening to this episode and until next time, we’ll catch up on the next real estate Growth Hacker show.
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Real Estate Growth Hackers Founder

Zach Hammer
Zach Hammer is the co-founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers. Over the last 36 months Zach and his team have managed ad budgets well over $100,000, generated over 25,000 real estate leads, and helped create over $50,000,0000 in business revenue for their clients. Zach is also a highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted some of the top Real Estate teams and brokerages across the country.