The Truth and Psychology Behind a Successful Leader
Welcome to another episode of the Real Estate Growth Hackers Show! Our featured guest today is Dustin Runyon. We talked about what it takes to become a successful leader—both in business and within the community.
Listen in and learn the truth and psychology behind the top business leaders today. All that, and more only on the Real Estate Growth Hackers Show!
Here is a rundown on everything we talked about today:
The Root of Success is the Psychology of the Leader
Early in Dustin’s career, at 25 years old, he led a team and had given everyone what they needed to succeed. Despite all that, he wondered why people were not flourishing as they should have.
Dustin realized that it was not about whether people were equipped with the right tools or situated in the right environment or not. He realized that success lies in the resourcefulness and the mindset of the individual. It is about the real truth behind it all and Dustin Runyon helps leaders across industries rediscover that truth.
True Connectivity Between People
The more time Dustin dedicated to leading people, the quicker he discovered that there are two things people tend to do to themselves. One, people are insanely good at beating themselves up. Two, They judge themselves insanely!
Dustin illustrated further, “Think of a relationship with somebody in your life, like your spouse or a best friend of some level. Have you ever had a heart-to-heart of some level?
“Those people have dropped their walls and they have let these emotions out to you. Now, what happens if you stomp on their emotions? They retreat and build higher walls and we get disconnected.”
We live in a surface-level society. Dustin went on, “Look inside a grocery store or in a room of people and watch them rocking around. We are not connecting on a high level. I mean, if you disagree with somebody in today’s society, you just automatically hate them.”
Real connections hold strong when we also drop our walls and allow each other to be 100% true to ourselves. We don’t have to agree with each other but we come to an understanding and appreciation. There is no judgement between two people with a true connection like this.
Other topics we covered on the show:
- The first thing that Dustin tells people is to stop beating themselves up. People should stop being too hard on themselves emotionally. [00:11:53]
- Next, we talked about the stories, beliefs, and people—few of the types of walls that people typically put up around themselves. [00:17:10]
- Speaking something opens a door. Dustin talked about being mindful which doors we choose to open with our words. Because once that door is open, it is ten times easier to walk through it. [00:23:01]
- Dustin asked one important question, “What do you need to believe in order to achieve your goal?” He motivates people to consciously look in themselves to find the confidence and identify the quality of life and business that they want. [00:26:46]
- We talk more about personal beliefs and the power that they hold on your mindset. How do beliefs impact your success in business and life? [00:33:50]
- Dustin noted, “People tend to dismiss simplicity.” The thing is, sometimes things really are as simple as they seem. And there is no need to make things unnecessarily complicated. [00:39:57]
- And finally, we talk about the importance of asking the right questions and how it helps you to arrive at the right answers. [00:47:59]
Ready to Get Started with Dustin Runyon or Still Have Some Questions? Connect with him through the links below:
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Real Estate Growth Hackers Founder

Zach Hammer
Zach Hammer is the co-founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers. Over the last 36 months Zach and his team have managed ad budgets well over $100,000, generated over 25,000 real estate leads, and helped create over $50,000,0000 in business revenue for their clients. Zach is also a highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted some of the top Real Estate teams and brokerages across the country.