Content Creation is Dead, Long Live Content Capture
Content creation as we know it is undergoing a revolution thanks to artificial intelligence. On this episode of The Real Estate Growth Hackers Show, I’m joined by my co-host Charlie Madison to discuss how AI is transforming content marketing.
Charlie and I explore why content capture is replacing traditional content creation. Historically, effective content marketing meant sitting down and manually producing blog posts, videos, emails, and social media posts. However, AI tools now enable marketers to capture value from existing conversations and content.
Key Takeaways:
– Content capture means recording and archiving sales meetings, coaching calls, classes, and other conversational content. AI can then transform these recordings into marketing assets.
– This approach is much faster, easier, and cheaper than having humans handle transcription, editing, and repurposing of content.
– To leverage content capture, start by identifying where you already create valuable content conversations. Record and store these conversations for future use.
– AI summarization and writing tools can extract highlights from recordings and turn those highlights into blog posts, emails, and social posts.
We discuss how I’ve used content capture from my real estate book club to generate over 100,000 YouTube views. The secret was archiving 3 years of book club recordings and using AI to create shareable clips.
While content capture technology still requires some expertise to implement, it’s rapidly improving. Joining communities focused on AI content creation can help stay on top of new developments in this space.
If you’re looking to harness the power of AI to effortlessly turn your conversations into marketing content, be sure to listen to this forward-thinking episode of The Real Estate Growth Hacker Show!
AND MORE TOPICS COVERED IN THE FULL INTERVIEW!!! You can check that out and subscribe to YouTube.
If you want to know more about Zach Hammer and Charlie Madison, you may reach out to them at:
- Website: https://realestategrowthhackers.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zachhammer/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charliemadison/
[00:00:00] Zach Hammer: Welcome back to the Real Estate Growth Hackers show. On today’s episode we’re going to be talking about Why Content Creation Is Dead and Why Capture Is What’s Replacing It. And all of this is due to the changes that are coming in from AI and how that’s impacting the natural flow of being able to run this content marketing process.
[00:00:21] So with me today, I have Charlie Madison. Friend, red shirt wearing today. What is that Alabama? Yeah, there we go, no Hawaiian shirt today, but representing your team. Right?
[00:00:31] Charlie Madison: Exactly.
[00:00:33] Zach Hammer: Yeah. Good call. So yeah, so we’re going to be diving into something that I think both you and I are seeing. I think we’re still a little bit the early stages of this.
[00:00:41] I don’t think this process is fully fleshed out and fully dialed in, but you and I both kind of see the writing on the wall and we’re working, me especially, I’m working to build the systems that make this more of a possibility, but yeah. So let me give people a bit of context around this.
[00:00:56] So, obviously like content marketing is still a [00:01:00] fantastic strategy, right? And when I say content creation is dead, I don’t actually mean that in the sense of like, we don’t need to create content anymore, but like historically, the way that content creation happened was very often this idea of like you sit down, you’ve got something really clearly thought through, you’re maybe going through an outline, you’re going through information that you want to cover, and you’re in the mode of, I’m going to create this content now, right?
[00:01:24] Like, I’m gonna write my social media posts, and I’m gonna create my YouTube videos, and I’m gonna write these emails, right? And all of those assets, I think, are still useful and still necessary. The difference is that before, where, like, you had to sit down and sort of do that thing. It’s now becoming that a lot of that content, if not all of it can actually be sourced and pulled from what you’re doing anyway, right?
[00:01:52] From the sales meetings that you’re having, from the coaching calls that you’re having, from the places where you’re showing up and just naturally talking [00:02:00] through the ideas and information that you would ultimately create content on. That those in the moment conversations if captured, can actually become the source of the content that you need to do for your marketing.
[00:02:14] And so, you and I both have some experience with this. I have for me, I’ve got three years worth of a book club that we have all the recordings for that we’re splicing up and at this point using an AI process with a little bit of I mean, it’s a fair bit, but like overall comparatively not a ton of human manpower.
[00:02:32] I’m up to at this point over a hundred thousand views on videos that are from what I would call dead footage, right? Like stuff, no one’s going to watch those book club recordings, but the clips, I’m up to over a hundred thousand views on those at this point, just by leveraging this AI process to take them, split them up and turn them into content other places.
[00:02:51] I don’t know if you have those specific numbers, but you’ve seen similar sorts of things in terms of being able to take what you’re producing otherwise and turn it into usable assets. [00:03:00] Right?
[00:03:00] Charlie Madison: Yeah. I like to think about it, Gary Vee is famous for putting out 60 pieces of content a day. And then when you look at it, what he’s got is he’s got a whole media team that follows him around and cuts up all the content into pieces.
[00:03:16] All that he does, he built the team and, you know, but then he goes around, they record him. And then they convert it into content for him. Now, AI is your media team.
[00:03:26] Zach Hammer: Exactly. So like that, the same strategy as what we saw with Gary Vee being popularized because like he did sit down and like create content, like he did some shows you know, the ask Gary Vee show, I forget what else he did, but like a lot of his content is that, it’s him showing up and just being him either through speaking engagements or through the shows, or sometimes even like live coaching sessions with people and he takes those and then yes, his team chops them up, leverages them, turns them into all the other content.
[00:03:57] And so, that strategy [00:04:00] has really always been a pretty good strategy, right? If you have valuable things to say to your target market, to the agents that you’re looking to recruit or even, you know, ultimately as real estate agents, you know, to the public, like you’re having these conversations where you’re saying these things that people would find valuable, that people would find useful.
[00:04:18] And the biggest problem is, you know, up till this point, it’s taken a fair bit of investment to be able to take the raw recordings of those sorts of things and turn them into something useful. But now it’s becoming that it doesn’t take a ton of money, a lot of the systems can be fairly automated and it’s only getting better. Right?
[00:04:37] So that’s why, to me, right now, there’s still some, like were, at the crossroads, right? We’re like, we’re bridging into a new reality where it once was hard and expensive, and it’s becoming easy. And on some things it’s really easy, for other things that we’re still having to build the systems around it. But the key thing to me is we have to be moving into this mode of capturing this stuff and knowing that we need to capture it.
[00:04:59] So, [00:05:00] I found that there’s a few key principles to really set yourself up for success around this. Do you think it would be valuable to share like what those concepts are? That I’m finding like right now to be best prepared? Do you think that would be useful?
[00:05:12] Charlie Madison: Yeah, I’m curious, because it’s funny when on your real estate AI mastermind this last week, you actually shared the picture of your flowchart and your spreadsheet on how you took this one piece of content and, you know, like, I was sick, but I was still paying attention. I was like, I wish I could unmute and ask for more details.
[00:05:31] But I was also like, how do you do that? So yes, I want to hear your principles on how do you create the kind of the original piece? You know, what are the principles there?
[00:05:39] Zach Hammer: So the biggest thing, and like, this is the paradigm shift that I really want people to understand so that they are enabled to have massive success in like this AI world. Right? And so first off, it’s understanding this idea of you are likely already creating the content that you need.
[00:05:59] Now, this may not be [00:06:00] true for everybody, but for most of the people that I’m seeing, you’re probably already having these conversations. The thing that’s missing is that you’re not capturing it, right? So you’re either not recording it, or if you are recording it, you’re not putting it someplace or making it clearly usable for the future, right?
[00:06:19] And so, this is really the key idea. So first off, I want people to think through where are all the places where you are showing up and already having the conversations, right? Are you doing like weekly sales meetings with your agents? Are you doing live classes where you’re teaching your agent skills and skillsets that are helpful to them?
[00:06:39] Because if you’re looking to recruit, the information that you are already helping your team with, is going to be some of the best content to attract agents that would like what you are offering. Right?
[00:06:52] So, if you are already teaching and training and equipping your agents. Make sure you’re recording that so that you can leverage it.
[00:06:59] Now, [00:07:00] people are often held up by the idea of like, okay, but like, I wouldn’t share these recordings because there’s private information that happens or it’s not public facing and that’s okay, capture it anyway, and like still, you got to get permissionn or whatever, like make sure everything’s legal.
[00:07:16] But because what we’re looking to do isn’t necessarily to record and then immediately publish that we’re looking to have the recordings that we can run it through a process to actually extract the pieces that we can use to create value. Right? So, I’ll explain that in a second. That’s part of what I was showing in that flow chart.
[00:07:32] So, in terms of thinking through all these opportunities, right? Like the average say a real estate team owner, are you doing sales meetings? Are you doing trainings or are people on your team doing trainings for your agents? Are you having coaching calls? Private coaching calls with agents. Are you having recruiting calls where you’re talking to agents already? Right.?
[00:07:55] Are you having those calls where you’re talking to people? Explaining what you’re up to? Why it’s valuable? All of [00:08:00] that stuff, anything where you are showing up and you are sharing your ideas, your vision, your perspective, record them, and then document them somewhere.
[00:08:10] So for me, I literally use a Google spreadsheet for this and I call it my content library and everything that I’m creating is in there and I’ve gone back and everything that we have created is in there. Every webinar that I’ve done, every YouTube video that I’ve done, every podcast that I’ve recorded, every private call, every mastermind call, every you know, I used to do, the real estate growth hackers inner circle, all of those are recorded.
[00:08:33] And then in there, part of what I’m documenting as well as I’m documenting the basic idea. What did we talk about? Right? So actually, I use AI at this point. It helped summarize what those things were about. Right? So we’ll like, we’ll take the transcript and get a summary of what it is and that’s kind of the next portion of this, right?
[00:08:49] So if you want to be able to leverage these things, so first off, you have to have your database of all this stuff. So first and foremost, make sure you’re capturing it, make sure you’re recording it, and then make sure you’re logging it, log it [00:09:00] somewhere. And it doesn’t need to be complicated, but like, where’s the recording? If you can mention what the basic topic was, that sort of thing, that’s really useful.
[00:09:08] Then the next thing that you need, is you need a transcript. Okay? So you need from the audio, you need some sort of written version, because as of right now, the AI’s really are all trained around the written word, so we need to take it from video or audio and turn it into written word.
[00:09:25] Does it need to be anything super special? No. Right? Like if you’re using Zoom, I think Zoom has the transcripts built in, google Meet, you could do the transcripts built in. If you’re doing these calls or things in another way, then you might need to record some other way and then put it through some software to generate the transcription. But the transcription is the next thing that you need.
[00:09:44] Then what you’re going to do is you’re going to take that transcription and you’re going to basically extract the key points. I have some key things that I’m looking for, I’m always looking for specificity around like, what are the key ideas? What are the stories, the metaphors, any quotes that are specifically relevant? And I try and extract that into one key [00:10:00] thing.
[00:10:00] And then from there, you’re then able to leverage that to create through various prompting structures where you could take the key idea plus the transcript and a prompt and you could turn that into a blog post for each key idea. Or maybe if it’s more of an overarching idea, maybe it’s one blog post that kind of covers everything that was top covered.
[00:10:18] You know, emails to use in your follow up sequences and your outreach in your nurture campaigns, right? Social media posts, right? Where you could take the content from there and turn it into written posts that cover the same ideas.
[00:10:30] And again, that’s part of how you’re dealing with if there’s private information covered, right? Like you use the call recording as inspiration for what you will do public facing and not necessarily actually be the public facing thing as a whole. Now some stuff you could chop up and use public facing right off the bat, but other stuff, it might need to go through a process first.
[00:10:51] And right now it could be a little bit finicky to run this process, right? Because there’s a number of steps. I mean, you saw my flow chart for this, it’s still a whole lot [00:11:00] easier than it would be to have a human go through and do all of this for you. Like it’s drastically cheaper, drastically easier than having a human do everything.
[00:11:08] You know, actually sitting down, listening to the transcript, writing out the key ideas, turning those key ideas into post, that’s become drastically easier. So, you don’t need a whole team for that. but there’s still a little bit of a process.
[00:11:17] So, you might need to have somebody leveraging the right prompts in order to generate these things out or it might take building a little bit more of an advanced, like, in eight and makers at your automation to flow through these processes for you.
[00:11:29] But the key idea is like, some of that stuff is only getting easier and it’s only getting better. These AI models are being able to understand more at one time and process more at one time and leverage more. But the key thing is, it’s why I’m saying content creation is dead and capture is becoming king because even if right now you don’t do all this other stuff that I’m talking about, if you’re not capturing it, then you’re losing the opportunity in the future. Right?
[00:11:57] So right now, start capturing, [00:12:00] start making sure that you’re getting the recordings, that you’re getting them logged, that you’re at a minimum, or at least storing those things somewhere so that you can leverage them in the future, even if you don’t have the time or systems right now. Because then, you’re looking at a future of potentially having everything that you need if you’ve just captured it.
[00:12:17] So, does that make sense in terms of like.
[00:12:19] Charlie Madison: Yeah. I want to share.
[00:12:19] Zach Hammer: What’s changing?
[00:12:20] Charlie Madison: Share the story of how you discovered this with your book club as a really great example.
[00:12:26] Zach Hammer: Yeah. So. I’ve been doing this book club for about three years and I record every time that we do the book club. We meet together, we discuss books, the book club by the way, is completely free. If people want to come and join us, what we focus on is we talk about books that are geared around business or personal development that are all geared toward being able to grow a real estate business effectively. Right?
[00:12:45] Not all the books are about real estate, but they’re all tangentially related to running a successful real estate business.
[00:12:50] And so we meet together about every two weeks and we spend, you know, for us about an hour talking about these books and so there’s lots of great conversations that come out of that, [00:13:00] right? Lots of great points being made, but here’s the reality, I run this book club and I know that I would never watch one of these hour long recordings of this book club, right?
[00:13:11] Like it’s not the kind of thing that you’re going to sit and watch the recording. Right? Like, maybe very rarely somebody would watch a recording, but it’s not common and I know that, I’m recording them mainly so that’s available.
[00:13:21] But then I got the idea, you know, with, so Opus clip is a tool that allows you to take long form video and cut it down into clips. I was like, well, Hey, I got all this footage. Like, maybe I could turn this thing that was previously unvaluable into something that people actually would find value in, right?
[00:13:37] And, find the clips where I’m saying something valuable, where I’m saying something useful that the clip would be something that somebody can consume. And lo and behold, I mean, yeah, we’re finding that pretty readily anywhere from 20 or more clips, we’re able to generate per hour long recording. And that’s where the views that I’m getting right now are coming from.
[00:13:58] So, that over a hundred [00:14:00] thousand views that’s coming from those book club recordings. And so, I turned to this thing that previously was essentially just a library of dead footage that no one was watching into something that is now responsible for over 100,000 views on me, my content and what I’m up to.
[00:14:17] And so, like that’s where that power met, like, why I’m so fervent at this point about how, like, creating that concept for the book club under the thinking of like, this is going to become social content, but I have been capturing it the entire time.
[00:14:30] And so, I have been doing what I’m talking about here and as a result, I’m getting to reap the benefit. And that’s essentially what I’m advising that people should maybe do as well.
[00:14:39] Charlie Madison: Yeah. You know, and what’s cool about this, Zoom is so popular. I mean, we’re on, a Zoom type software. You know, you got Google Meet, everyone is used to being recorded and, like, Zoom has their AI capabilities, so people kind of understand the summary part. You know, I [00:15:00] use Fathom to create the transcription. A lot of people use Firefly.
[00:15:05] So it’s not unusual anymore, I mean, I do, and I probably have sometimes 15 calls in a week, you know, usually at least 10 and every one is automatically recorded with my Fathom because I can highlight it and I get the transcription and I think over the last maybe 90 days, I’ve had one person say, why is this recorded? Like, I mean, just it’s not even a thing anymore, like it’s completely.
[00:15:30] So we’ve got the ability now to easily record in a really nice format, whatever we’re doing.
[00:15:37] Zach Hammer: Exactly. Yeah. I mean, honestly, it’s one of those things, you know, the horrors of what we went through with COVID and everybody locking down and starting to do work remotely it’s unlocked a pretty powerful thing for all of us in terms of making it normal to be on zoom and to do meetings this way and have all these things be digital because it really is, like you said, [00:16:00] that plus people understanding like, Oh, I’ve got this recorder.
[00:16:02] It’s going to give us a summary so that we have clear notes from our calls that if there’s any action steps or whatnot, like it’s real easy to explain the value of it where people are like, Oh, okay, cool. Yeah, that sounds good.
[00:16:11] But as a result, you’re getting this transcripts, you’re getting these recordings that allow you to then take that and turn that into the other content that you need. And yeah, it’s becoming really powerful.
[00:16:20] So, it’s been one of my favorite things to be able to see this, but again, like I mentioned, there is a ton of potential there, but the action, while easier than it has been, is still somewhat complicated to actually enact, right?
[00:16:33] Like you’re a smart dude, you understand AI pretty well, and yet we’re still working to like actually implement these sort of concepts from the calls that you mentioned, from some of the calls that I’m doing, right?
[00:16:44] Like it’s not like it’s just a plug and play, easy to do sort of thing. And that is why I put together the mastermind that I put together, right? Where we are figuring this stuff out together because the potential is there, but we are essentially carving our way through the jungle, [00:17:00] figuring out the paths where it’s like, we know that the potential is there, we know that there’s a lot of power here, but we’re figuring it out live together. And we’re building these systems.
[00:17:07] And so, we’re building out the prompts, the prompt library. How to put it all together through things like Zapier and make an innate in and where you can drop a transcript at one end and end up coming out with the social posts and emails and blog posts that you need, right?
[00:17:22] So, we’re building all of that together. So, if that’s something that you want, if you want to be on the forefront of what’s going on with this, to be able to take what you’re already doing and turning it into everything that you need to be doing in terms of marketing and concept marketing. That’s just an aspect of what we’re working on in our AI mastermind.
[00:17:38] If you want to hear more about what we’re up to, I’d be delighted. You can reach out to us at RealEstateGrowthHackers.com/contact, and let us know that you’re interested in that mastermind. Also stay tuned, we’re potentially looking at putting together some things along the lines that might help people who maybe aren’t ready for that.
[00:17:55] So, stay aware of that too, but if you really want to be on the cutting edge, that mastermind is [00:18:00] where all secrets are revealed, where you get the opportunity to time to ask the questions.
[00:18:04] We build things live together, Charlie’s a part of the mastermind, and I think he could tell you, we really, in terms of bringing the heat on what you could do with AI we’ve got a ton of stuff in there that’s really powerful for you.
[00:18:15] So, definitely, if you’re interested in that, reach out to us, RealEstateGrowthHackers.com. but otherwise any final words or final thoughts on this subject or the mastermind?
[00:18:22] Charlie Madison: You know, I think there’s two parts to it. One, it’s the capture and two, it’s the creation. And at the least, we’re at a place where the capture is really easy. It’s really just hitting a button, saying record, even if you don’t log it in Excel. And you’ve got it on your Dropbox, or you’ve just got it in Zoom, wherever, at least do that.
[00:18:44] And then, the creation is going to keep getting better and better. And you know, the other cool thing is, you now become the source for your AI. You know, the like you’re going to have, I mean, you’ve got hundreds of hours that as AI gets better, you can say, [00:19:00] write this in my voice, pull out all of the things that are my unique perspectives.
[00:19:05] And so, it’s an amazing time to be alive and so, record it and then we’ll see what we can do next with it.
[00:19:12] Zach Hammer: Absolutely. And your point there is, it is the most powerful aspect. The key thing that people are missing with AI is that they think that the answer is that it’s going to do everything for you.
[00:19:21] And here’s the truth, if you have it do everything for you, what it does is, hot garbage, because it doesn’t have a unique point of view, it doesn’t have perspective, it doesn’t have that spark of humanity that actually makes you unique and your point of view unique.
[00:19:37] What it has is it has the sum total of what everybody has said about a subject and really, you don’t stand out by just saying the same thing as everybody else. And so, to fully leverage AI properly, you have to come to it armed with your unique perspective.
[00:19:54] And one of the best ways to be able to leverage the power of what it can do with, you know, putting [00:20:00] structure to your creativity is just make sure you’re capturing it, right?
[00:20:05] So, start there, capture and you know, we didn’t start with this, but, to me, the three C’s of it are capture, collect, and then create. Right?
[00:20:14] So, start with capture, at least. After you’ve captured, you could collect and make sure that it gets put together somewhere, but you can’t collect if you haven’t at least done the capture. So do that,
[00:20:24] Charlie Madison: And both me and you for the collection part, it happened years after we started recording. And we didn’t even do it ourselves, we had assistants do it, team members do the collecting part.
[00:20:37] Zach Hammer: Exactly. And so what’s cool is like, if you’re capturing it and just make sure that it’s saved somewhere, somebody could go through and clean it up and do what’s necessary.
[00:20:44] So, at least make sure you’re doing that and that at least prepares you, but if you really want to be leveraging it, that’s that’s going to be the process.
[00:20:50] So there you go, that’s the key idea here around why content creation is dead and why capture is so much more [00:21:00] important at this point.
[00:21:00] So there you go. All right. Well, until next time, we’ll see you on the next Real Estate Growth Hackers.
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Real Estate Growth Hackers Founder

Zach Hammer
Zach Hammer is the co-founder of Real Estate Growth Hackers. Over the last 36 months Zach and his team have managed ad budgets well over $100,000, generated over 25,000 real estate leads, and helped create over $50,000,0000 in business revenue for their clients. Zach is also a highly sought after speaker and consultant whose work has impacted some of the top Real Estate teams and brokerages across the country.